The Famous SEVEN | 7 R’s of Sustainability

Don’t be useless, Only Use Less!

It’s only one plastic bottle, said 8 billion people. It’s just a matter of 5 minutes while I brush my teeth so let the tap run, said 8 billion people.

We understand the depth of these quotes when we’re relaxing. but will it not be helpful if we all realize it at the needed moment itself?

Sustainability is the ability to meet the current needs without compromising the lifestyle of the future generation. It can refer to environmental, social, and economic sustainability, and often involves making choices, and taking actions that balance short-term and long-term benefits or risks. Achieving a balance in consumption means finding a balance in meeting our current needs and wants. This can involve making more sustainable choices, such as choosing products that are made from recycled materials, or that can be easily recycled after use.

What’s the one crucial thing in the waste management procedure that maintains a perfect balance in consumption? Is it time to go back to our fourth grade? We’ve all known the 3 Rs of Sustainability.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

But before that, let’s talk about the types of consumers, at present, there are 2 types of consumers. The first one is a ‘Normal’ consumer, who doesn’t care about what will harm the environment. The second one is a ‘Green’ consumer, who demands or chooses products that are less or not at all harmful to the environment. Some people want to go sustainable in all their actions. But more people want to pretend that they’re sustainable with their steps.

Green Consumerism is related to sustainable customer behavior which has evolved as the 7 R’s of sustainability. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle are now accompanied by Refuse, Rethink, Repair, and Re-Gift

We need to start limiting every activity we do with our environment. However, many people are being misled by the concept of ‘Green Washing’ which is an act of providing the public with misleading or outright false information about the environmental impact of a company’s products and operations.

Greenwashing is a play on the term ‘whitewashing’ which means using false information to intentionally hide wrongdoing, error, or an unpleasant situation in an attempt to make it seem less bad than it is.

While it’s good that businesses are going sustainable one by one, the question is, are they really? Or the word “Sustainable” is just another marketing tool? What are your thoughts?

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